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My Togethair

The Three Worlds Togethair

Effective working systems and tools for Colour, Care and Styling. Trusted allies for hair beauty professionals. Products, services and training to satisfy any personality type, create wellness experiences and image consulting in salons.

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The world
Color & Technics

Permanent coloring lines for professional performance with natural active ingredients as well as Bleaches, Peroxides, Direct Coloring, Safe Line and Perm! Lots of creativity and colors for every skin tone, ethnicity, age and gender identity.

The world
Care system

Work systems, Wellness rituals and products with eco-friendly formulas and certified effectiveness: Nutritional Supplements, Hair and Skin Treatments, Hair Reconstruction to meet the needs of skin and hair.

The world
styling system

A styling and finish line designed for professionals, versatile and easy to use: mixable and stackable products based on plant phytokeratin to create creases, hairstyles, movements and protect hair.


La linea che dona tonicità ed elasticità ai capelli ricci o crespi, per un effetto sempre naturale.